Some people write music blogs about new music. Some people write music blogs about gigs, about how music has influenced their lives and about how they feel about certain bands.
This will probably have elements of all of these things, except the new music. Oh, there will be recent music, there will be music from the past, and there will be music that you've never heard of, but this will not be about reviewing music that has just been released that week, month or year. This blog is about my music collection. About all the vinyl, CDs and digital downloads that have gathered in my house over the years. I bought some of it, some of it was bought for me, some of it sort of merged into my music collection when I got married, but in the end it's all here on my shelves now.
I'm going to start slowly and aim to update this every Sunday, with a review of an album randomly selected from either one of the shelves in the house or from my hard drive. It could be something I've loved for years, it could be something I've listened to once that didn't really catch my attention, it could be something that I've picked up recently, or it could even be some terrible pop music that my wife has inflicted on me over the years. Whatever it is I will be honest, if when I listen to something that I thought was a work of genius back in my teenage years I now find it to be utterly unlistenable I will say as much. I won't pull my punches, but I will keep the language to a PG level.
Farewell for now, see you on Sunday!